Our Staff × Emma C. Olson, M.P.H, M.S.W. Interim Executive Directoreolson1@unca.edu7715446 Sherrill Center Cynthia Fountain Administrative Assistantckfounta@unca.edu236A Rhoades/Robinson Hall Ellen Bailey, M.A., M.P.H. Falls Prevention Project Managerebailey@unca.edu255-7072448 Sherrill Center Amber Chapman Public Health Advisor of Clinical Partnershipsachapma3@unca.edu Katie Cox Administrative Assistantkcox1@unca.edu251-6513460 Sherrill Center Vivian Gettys, M.P.H., M.A., R.N. Chronic Disease Project Specialistvgettys@unca.edu251-6511456 Sherrill Center Nadia Mazza, M.P.H. Project Director (Arthritis/Chronic Pain)nmazza@unca.edu443 Sherrill Center Alex Mitchell, MPH, C.H.E.S.Ⓡ Culture of Results Senior Project Manageranielson@unca.edu446 Sherrill Center Taylor Paré Evidence-Based Program Specialisttpare@unca.edu Soni Pitts Project Manager, WNC Health Policy Initiativespitts@unca.edu250-3992443 Sherrill Center Andrew Rainey Research Associate and Audio Producerarainey1@unca.edu Natasha Vos, M.P.H., R.D., L.D.N. Senior Project Managernvos@unca.edu255-7712Sherrill Center